• Scientists demonstrate unprecedented sensitivity in measuring time delay between two photons

    Updated: 2023-04-25 16:12:21
    A team of researchers has demonstrated the ultimate sensitivity allowed by quantum physics in measuring the time delay between two photons. This breakthrough has significant implications for a range of applications, including more feasible imaging of nanostructures, including biological samples, and nanomaterial surfaces, as well as quantum enhanced estimation based on frequency-resolved boson sampling in optical networks.

  • Scientists have full state of a quantum liquid down cold

    Updated: 2023-04-24 18:35:53
    A team of physicists has illuminated certain properties of quantum systems by observing how their fluctuations spread over time. The research offers an intricate understanding of a complex phenomenon that is foundational to quantum computing.

  • Putting hydrogen on solid ground: Simulations with a machine learning model predict a new phase of solid hydrogen

    Updated: 2023-04-22 00:50:32
    Hydrogen, the most abundant element in the universe, is found everywhere from the dust filling most of outer space to the cores of stars to many substances here on Earth. This would be reason enough to study hydrogen, but its individual atoms are also the simplest of any element with just one proton and one electron.

  • Two qudits fully entangled

    Updated: 2023-04-20 16:01:25
    Recently quantum computers started to work with more than just the zeros and ones we know from classical computers. Now a team demonstrates a way to efficiently create entanglement of such high-dimensional systems to enable more powerful calculations.

  • Quantum computer applied to chemistry

    Updated: 2023-04-20 13:07:08
    There are high expectations that quantum computers may deliver revolutionary new possibilities for simulating chemical processes. This could have a major impact on everything from the development of new pharmaceuticals to new materials. Researchers have now used a quantum computer to undertake calculations within a real-life case in chemistry.

  • Embracing variations: Physicists analyze noise in Lambda-type quantum memory

    Updated: 2023-04-20 01:19:28
    In the future, communications networks and computers will use information stored in objects governed by the microscopic laws of quantum mechanics. This capability can potentially underpin communication with greatly enhanced security and computers with unprecedented power. A vital component of these technologies will be memory devices capable of storing quantum information to be retrieved at will.

  • Rock, paper, scissors: Searching for stronger nonlocality using quantum computers

    Updated: 2023-04-19 14:55:35
    In the quantum world particles can instantaneously know about each other's state, even when separated by large distances. This is known as nonlocality. Now, A research group has produced some interesting findings on the Hardy nonlocality that have important ramifications for understanding quantum mechanics and its potential applications in communications.

  • Long-distance quantum teleportation enabled by multiplexed quantum memories

    Updated: 2023-04-19 14:55:23
    Researchers report having achieved quantum teleportation from a photon to a solid-state qubit over a distance of 1km, with a novel approach using multiplexed quantum memories.

  • A team creates 'quantum composites' for various electrical and optical innovations

    Updated: 2023-04-19 14:55:16
    A team has shown in the laboratory the unique and practical function of newly created materials, which they called quantum composites, that may advance electrical, optical, and computer technologies.

  • Quantum liquid becomes solid when heated

    Updated: 2023-04-18 15:14:39
    Solids can be melted by heating, but in the quantum world it can also be the other way around: An experimental team has shown how a quantum liquid forms supersolid structures by heating. The scientists obtained a first phase diagram for a supersolid at finite temperature.

  • DMI allows magnon-magnon coupling in hybrid perovskites

    Updated: 2023-04-04 21:17:11
    An international group of researchers has created a mixed magnon state in an organic hybrid perovskite material by utilizing the Dzyaloshinskii--Moriya-Interaction (DMI). The resulting material has potential for processing and storing quantum computing information.

  • Absolute zero in the quantum computer

    Updated: 2023-04-04 16:43:03
    Absolute zero cannot be reached -- unless you have an infinite amount of energy or an infinite amount of time. Scientists in Vienna (Austria) studying the connection between thermodynamics and quantum physics have now found out that there is a third option: Infinite complexity. It turns out that reaching absolute zero is in a way equivalent to perfectly erasing information in a quantum computer, for which an infinetly complex quantum computer would be required.

  • Can a solid be a superfluid? Engineering a novel supersolid state from layered 2D materials

    Updated: 2023-03-30 15:21:01
    Physicists predict that layered electronic 2D semiconductors can host a curious quantum phase of matter called the supersolid. This counterintuitive quantum material simultaneously forms a rigid crystal, and yet at the same time allows particles to flow without friction, with all the particles belong to the same single quantum state.

  • New type of entanglement lets scientists 'see' inside nuclei

    Updated: 2023-03-24 23:44:00
    Nuclear physicists have found a new way to see inside nuclei by tracking interactions between particles of light and gluons. The method relies on harnessing a new type of quantum interference between two dissimilar particles. Tracking how these entangled particles emerge from the interactions lets scientists map out the arrangement of gluons. This approach is unusual for making use of entanglement between dissimilar particles -- something rare in quantum studies.

  • Visualization of electron dynamics on liquid helium

    Updated: 2023-03-21 18:25:11
    An international team has discovered how electrons can slither rapidly to-and-fro across a quantum surface when driven by external forces. The research has enabled the visualization of the motion of electrons on liquid helium.

  • 'Y-ball' compound yields quantum secrets

    Updated: 2023-03-21 16:26:46
    Scientists investigating a compound called 'Y-ball' -- which belongs to a mysterious class of 'strange metals' viewed as centrally important to next-generation quantum materials -- have found new ways to probe and understand its behavior.

  • Surprise in the quantum world: Disorder leads to ferromagnetic topological insulator

    Updated: 2023-03-21 16:26:32
    Magnetic topological insulators are an exotic class of materials that conduct electrons without any resistance at all and so are regarded as a promising breakthrough in materials science. Researchers have achieved a significant milestone in the pursuit of energy-efficient quantum technologies by designing the ferromagnetic topological insulator MnBi6Te10 from the manganese bismuth telluride family. The amazing thing about this quantum material is that its ferromagnetic properties only occur when some atoms swap places, introducing antisite disorder.

  • Scientists open door to manipulating 'quantum light'

    Updated: 2023-03-20 19:37:20
    How light interacts with matter has always fired the imagination. Now scientists for the first time have demonstrated the ability to manipulate single and double atoms exhibiting the properties of simulated light emission. This creates prospects for advances in photonic quantum computing and low-intensity medical imaging.

  • Instrument adapted from astronomy observation helps capture singular quantum interference effects

    Updated: 2023-03-20 15:21:01
    By adapting technology used for gamma-ray astronomy, researchers has found X-ray transitions previously thought to have been unpolarized according to atomic physics, are in fact highly polarized.

  • Superconducting amplifiers offer high performance with lower power consumption

    Updated: 2023-03-20 15:20:46
    Researchers have devised a new concept of superconducting microwave low-noise amplifiers for use in radio wave detectors for radio astronomy observations, and successfully demonstrated a high-performance cooled amplifier with power consumption three orders of magnitude lower than that of conventional cooled semiconductor amplifiers. This result is expected to contribute to the realization of large-scale multi-element radio cameras and error-tolerant quantum computers, both of which require a large number of low-noise microwave amplifiers.

  • Sculpting quantum materials for the electronics of the future

    Updated: 2023-03-20 15:20:40
    The development of new information and communication technologies poses new challenges to scientists and industry. Designing new quantum materials -- whose exceptional properties stem from quantum physics -- is the most promising way to meet these challenges. An international team has designed a material in which the dynamics of electrons can be controlled by curving the fabric of space in which they evolve. These properties are of interest for next-generation electronic devices, including the optoelectronics of the future.

  • Qubits put new spin on magnetism: Boosting applications of quantum computers

    Updated: 2023-03-17 19:51:02
    Research using a quantum computer as the physical platform for quantum experiments has found a way to design and characterize tailor-made magnetic objects using quantum bits, or qubits. That opens up a new approach to develop new materials and robust quantum computing.

  • Breakthrough in the understanding of quantum turbulence

    Updated: 2023-03-16 05:44:37
    Your source for the latest research news : Follow Facebook Twitter LinkedIn : Subscribe RSS Feeds advertisement Science News from research organizations 1 2 Breakthrough in the understanding of quantum turbulence : Date March 16, 2023 : Source Lancaster University : Summary Researchers have shown how energy disappears in quantum turbulence , paving the way for a better understanding of turbulence in scales ranging from the microscopic to the planetary . The team's findings demonstrate a new understanding of how wave-like motion transfers energy from macroscopic to microscopic length scales , and their results confirm a theoretical prediction about how the energy is dissipated at small scales . In the future , an improved understanding of turbulence beginning on the quantum level could

  • In the world's smallest ball game, scientists throw and catch single atoms using light

    Updated: 2023-03-09 05:49:39
    Researchers show that individual atoms can be caught and thrown using light. This is the first time an atom has been released from a trap -- or thrown -- and then caught by another trap. This technology could be used in quantum computing applications.

  • Hitting nuclei with light may create fluid primordial matter

    Updated: 2023-03-09 01:10:54
    A new analysis supports the idea that photons colliding with heavy ions create a fluid of 'strongly interacting' particles. The results indicate that photon-heavy ion collisions can create a strongly interacting fluid that responds to the initial collision geometry and that these collisions can form a quark-gluon plasma. These findings will help guide future experiments at the planned Electron-Ion Collider.

  • Researchers take a step towards turning interactions that normally ruin quantum information into a way of protecting it

    Updated: 2023-03-08 16:22:10
    A new method for predicting the behavior of quantum devices provides a crucial tool for real-world applications of quantum technology.

  • Graphene quantum dots show promise as novel magnetic field sensors

    Updated: 2023-03-06 19:34:30
    Trapped electrons traveling in circular loops at extreme speeds inside graphene quantum dots are highly sensitive to external magnetic fields and could be used as novel magnetic field sensors with unique capabilities, according to a new study.

  • Two-dimensional quantum freeze

    Updated: 2023-03-06 19:34:25
    Researchers have succeeded in simultaneously cooling the motion of a tiny glass sphere in two dimensions to the quantum ground-state. This represents a crucial step towards a 3D ground-state cooling of a massive object and opens up new opportunities for the design of ultra-sensitive sensors.

  • An innovative twist on quantum bits: Tubular nanomaterial of carbon makes ideal home for spinning quantum bits

    Updated: 2023-03-06 19:33:25
    Scientists develop method for chemically modifying nanoscale tubes of carbon atoms, so they can host spinning electrons to serve as stable quantum bits in quantum technologies.

  • Quantum chemistry: Molecules caught tunneling

    Updated: 2023-03-01 05:08:39
    Quantum effects can play an important role in chemical reactions. Physicists have now observed a quantum mechanical tunneling reaction in experiments. The observation can also be described exactly in theory. The scientists provide an important reference for this fundamental effect in chemistry. It is the slowest reaction with charged particles ever observed.

  • New material may offer key to solving quantum computing issue

    Updated: 2023-02-27 18:25:27
    A new form of heterostructure of layered two-dimensional (2D) materials may enable quantum computing to overcome key barriers to its widespread application, according to an international team of researchers.

  • Heterostructures support predictions of counterpropagating charged edge modes at the v=2/3 fractional quantum Hall state

    Updated: 2023-02-23 23:18:16
    Researchers have tested models of edge conduction with a device built on top of the semiconductor heterostructure which consists of gold gates that come close together. Voltage is applied on the gates to direct the edge states through the middle of the point contact, where they are close enough that quantum tunneling can occur between the edge states on opposite sides the sample. Changes in the electrical current flowing through the device are used to test the theorists' predictions.

  • Let there be (controlled) light

    Updated: 2023-02-23 18:29:01
    In the very near future, quantum computers are expected to revolutionize the way we compute, with new approaches to database searches, AI systems, simulations and more. But to achieve such novel quantum technology applications, photonic integrated circuits which can effectively control photonic quantum states -- the so-called qubits -- are needed. Physicists have made a breakthrough in this effort: for the first time, they demonstrated the controlled creation of single-photon emitters in silicon at the nanoscale.

  • Theory can sort order from chaos in complex quantum systems

    Updated: 2023-02-23 18:28:57
    Theoretical chemists have developed a theory that can predict the threshold at which quantum dynamics switches from 'orderly' to 'random,' as shown through research using large-scale computations on photosynthesis models.

  • The quantum twisting microscope: A new lens on quantum materials

    Updated: 2023-02-23 18:28:49
    One of the striking aspects of the quantum world is that a particle, say, an electron, is also a wave, meaning that it exists in many places at the same time. Researchers make use of this property to develop a new type of tool -- the quantum twisting microscope (QTM) -- that can create novel quantum materials while simultaneously gazing into the most fundamental quantum nature of their electrons.

  • New quantum sensing technique reveals magnetic connections

    Updated: 2023-02-17 13:13:25
    A research team demonstrates a new way to use quantum sensors to tease out relationships between microscopic magnetic fields.

  • Engineers discover a new way to control atomic nuclei as 'qubits'

    Updated: 2023-02-15 19:36:44
    Researchers propose a new approach to making qubits, the basic units in quantum computing, and controlling them to read and write data. The method is based on measuring and controlling the spins of atomic nuclei, using beams of light from two lasers of slightly different colors.

  • Proposed quantum device may succinctly realize emergent particles such as the Fibonacci anyon

    Updated: 2023-02-15 19:36:40
    Tenacity has taken a roadblock and turned it into a possible route to the development of quantum computing.

  • Securing supply chains with quantum computing

    Updated: 2023-02-14 20:40:59
    New research in quantum computing is moving science closer to being able to overcome supply-chain challenges and restore global security during future periods of unrest.

  • When the light is neither 'on' nor 'off' in the nanoworld

    Updated: 2023-02-14 20:40:21
    Scientists detect the quantum properties of collective optical-electronic oscillations on the nanoscale. The results could contribute to the development of novel computer chips.

  • Researchers detail never-before-seen properties in a family of superconducting Kagome metals

    Updated: 2023-02-10 23:51:52
    Researchers have used an innovative new strategy combining nuclear magnetic resonance imaging and a quantum modeling theory to describe the microscopic structure of Kagome superconductor RbV3Sb5 at 103 degrees Kelvin, which is equivalent to about 275 degrees below 0 degrees Fahrenheit.

  • Scientists boost quantum signals while reducing noise

    Updated: 2023-02-09 16:47:28
    Researchers have developed a special type of amplifier that uses a technique known as squeezing to amplify quantum signals by a factor of 100 while reducing the noise that is inherent in quantum systems by an order of magnitude. Their device is the first to demonstrate squeezing over a broad frequency bandwidth of 1.75 gigahertz, nearly two orders of magnitude higher than other architectures.

  • Distortion-free forms of structured light

    Updated: 2023-02-08 05:51:27
    Research offers a new approach to studying complex light in complex systems, such as transporting classical and quantum light through optical fiber, underwater channels, living tissue and other highly aberrated systems.

  • Scientists make major breakthrough in developing practical quantum computers that can solve big challenges of our time

    Updated: 2023-02-08 05:50:54
    Researchers have demonstrated that quantum bits (qubits) can directly transfer between quantum computer microchips and demonstrated this with record-breaking connection speed and accuracy. This breakthrough resolves a major challenge in building quantum computers large and powerful enough to tackle complex problems that are of critical importance to society.

  • Entangled atoms cross quantum network from one lab to another

    Updated: 2023-02-02 18:57:50
    Trapped ions have previously only been entangled in one and the same laboratory. Now, teams have entangled two ions over a distance of 230 meters. The nodes of this network were housed in two labs at the Campus Technik to the west of Innsbruck, Austria. The experiment shows that trapped ions are a promising platform for future quantum networks that span cities and eventually continents.

  • Researchers devise a new path toward 'quantum light'

    Updated: 2023-02-02 16:26:43
    Researchers have theorized a new mechanism to generate high-energy 'quantum light', which could be used to investigate new properties of matter at the atomic scale.

  • Researchers take a step toward novel quantum simulators

    Updated: 2023-01-31 21:05:35
    If scaled up successfully, the team's new system could help answer questions about certain kinds of superconductors and other unusual states of matter.

  • New method to control electron spin paves the way for efficient quantum computers

    Updated: 2023-01-30 19:48:03
    Researchers have developed a new method for manipulating information in quantum systems by controlling the spin of electrons in silicon quantum dots. The results provide a promising new mechanism for control of qubits, which could pave the way for the development of a practical, silicon-based quantum computer.

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